Sunday, April 30, 2023

Don't know why

 पता नहीं क्यों⁉️🤔😇😜😅

Don't know why?

There was plain dal and roti to eat, but still no one was anemic (don't know why?)
➖ In school, teachers used to pull ears a lot, used to beat with sticks, but no child committed suicide due to depression in school (don't know why?)
➖ Expensive toys were not available in childhood, but every game was very enjoyable (don't know why)?
➖ The houses were raw, the rooms were less, but the parents never used to go to the old age home. (Dont know why) ?
➖ Breads of cow, dog, guest were made in the house, yet the budget of the house used to be balanced, today only the bread of our family has become expensive. (Dont know why) ?
➖ There were no gyms or special means of exercise for women, yet women were completely healthy (don't know why)?
➖ Between brothers, * there used to be a lot of quarrels between brothers and sisters, there used to be even beatings, but there was never any estrangement (don't know why)?
➖ Families used to be very big, neighbors' children also used to play whole day, still marriages used to happen in homes only (don't know why)?
➖ Parents used to slap on little things, but their respect never decreased (don't know why)?
➖ Why so many? *Why ? Questions are arising in the heart, please convey this reason to all of you, maybe once again there will be an atmosphere of harmony, mutual love and unity.

➖ खाने को सादा दाल रोटी होती थी, लेकिन फिर भी किसी को खून की कमी नहीं होती थी (पता नहीं क्यों ?)
➖ स्कूल में अध्यापक खूब कान खींचते थे, डंडों से पिटाई होती थी, लेकिन कोई बच्चा स्कूल में डिप्रेशन के कारण आत्महत्या नहीं करता था (पता नहीं क्यों ?)
➖ बचपन में महँगे खिलौने नहीं मिलते थे, लेकिन हर खेल बहुत आनंदित करता था (पता नहीं क्यों) ?
➖ घर कच्चे होते थे, कमरे कम होते थे, लेकिन माता-पिता कभी वृद्धाश्रम नहीं जाते थे। (पता नहीं क्यों) ?
➖ घर में गाय की, कुत्ते की, अतिथि की रोटियां बनतीं थी, फिर भी घर का बजट संतुलित रहता था, आज सिर्फ़ अपने परिवार की रोटी महंगी हो गई है। (पता नहीं क्यों) ?
➖ महिलाओं के लिए कोई जिम या कसरत के विशेष  साधन नहीं थे, फिर भी महिलाएं संपूर्ण रूप से स्वस्थ्य रहती थी (पता नहीं क्यों) ?
➖ भाई-भाई में, *भाई-बहनों में अनेक बार खूब झगड़ा होता था, आपस में कुटाई तक होती थी, परंतु आपस में मनमुटाव कभी नहीं होता था (पता नहीं क्यों) ?
➖ परिवार बहुत बडे होते थे, पडोसियों के बच्चे भी दिनभर खेलते थे, फिर भी घरों में ही शादियां होती थी (पता नहीं क्यों) ?
➖ माता-पिता थोडी सी बात पर थप्पड़ मार देते थे, लेकिन उनका मान-सम्मान कभी कम नहीं होता था (पता नहीं क्यों) ?
➖ ऐसे अनेक क्यों ? *क्यों ? के सवाल दिल में उठ रहे हैं, आप सभी तक इस क्यों को पहुँचाने की कृपा करें, शायद फिर से पहले जैसा सौहार्दपूर्ण वातावरण, आपसी प्रेम, एकता का माहौल बने।             
     ✅👏   🥰✌️   😍💪

Flight NZ9 Of Air New Zealand delays due to Trouble In Engine

Flight NZ9 Of Air New Zealand delays due to Trouble In Engine

A faulty Indication System prompted Air New Zealand Pilots to abort take-off during departure from Hawaii last night.

Flight NZ9 from Honolulu to Auckland was aborted during take-off at low speed with 227 passengers on board, the Airline said.

Passengers were then taken off the 767-300 Aircraft and given hotel rooms for the night.
They were told the plane had suffered Engine Problems. However, Air New Zealand tonight confirmed a problem with an indication system was to blame.

The issue was a fault with an indication system which meant it was showing the Pilots there was an issue, however there was no fault with the Engine itself, a spokeswoman for the Airline said.

Engineers are currently working to repair the Indication System.

The Flight had been rescheduled to depart at 10pm on Sunday local time,but that has since been changed.

Passengers were sent to Hotels across Honolulu to spend the night after the Flight was aborted. They were tonight back in the Airport waiting to board the plane.

During the day some complained of a lack of communication from Air NZ, with one saying theyhad no updates from anyone, and another saying the cancellation had been miserably handled.

In response Air NZ said Exercise Rimpac, the world's largest military exercise, is currently taking place in Honolulu. The event attracts 25,000 participants so as you can appreciate the customers were distributed across a number of hotels in order to secure the required number of rooms at short notice. This has made communicating with them challenging.

The New Zealand Herald's editor in chief Tim Murphy was on board the Flight, and tweeted updates about the problems last night.

The take off was aborted at speed mid-runway , he said, after an Indication that the left Engine Temperature was Raised.

After aborted takeoff, NZ9 Honolulu-Akl now likely cancelled he posted as replacement part to fix Engine/Indicator light must come from mainland US.

After scouring Honolulu Airport for parts NZ9 is officially cancelled and with crew needing 10 hour break it is back to the beach for all.

Flight NZ9 Of Air New Zealand,
Trouble In Engine during departure from Hawaii,
Flight NZ9 from Honolulu to Auckland ,
Passengers sent to Hotels in Honolulu,
Honolulu Airport,
Engine Temperature was Raised,

Mohini Porwal [ B Sc]
Trainee News Editor